About NFCC
All you need to know about our club

At New Forest Camera Club members try to improve their photographic skills and present their work for critique by an expert judge in a number of competitions throughout the season.
There are two main formats of competition, Prints and Projected Digital Images (PDIs), held separately due to the number of entries received.
At the monthly 'Open' competitions judges award a score out of 10 to each image. The scores are totted up through the year and a trophy is awarded at the end of the season to the highest scoring member in each category, to recognise their achievement .
We also arrange a number of themed competitions throughout the year. In the 'Out and About' trophy a location is chosen and members try to produce an image from that location that catches the judge's eye and captures the nature of the location.
Other competitions include the Portrait Trophy and the New Forest Trophy. There are a number of other themes which vary from year to year and are set by the members at the AGM.
And what else? Well we have some very interesting talks throughout the year where renowned photographers are invited to show and discuss what they do, why, when and where.
We also hold various Members' Evenings, at which we focus on actually 'doing photography'. They take the form of workshops and team challenge competitions, also a summer programme including evenings out at various locations around the area which as much as anything provide an opportunity for a meet up and a chat.
Occasional local weekend sessions enable less confident members to receive advice from more experienced photographers, to get to grips with their cameras and learn how to take different shots.
So in summary what we can't say is that the club will teach you all about your camera, but we'd feel pretty safe saying that through listening to the judges' critiques and seeing what others are doing, you will definitely take better photographs. How far you take it is up to you.
Despite our relatively small number of members we perform very well in the league competitions, standing shoulder to shoulder with the biggest clubs in the Southern Counties Photographic Federation.
The most important thing for all of us at New Forest CC is that we enjoy what we are doing and have fun!
We have a limit of forty members and for the last three years have been fully subscribed. Occasional vacancies can arise in September and January each year when previous members do not rejoin for the new season; potential new members are advised to contact us in September or January via the link to check whether vacancies exist.
Adult Membership £30 for the season
plus £2.00 for each attendance.
Junior Membership £10 for the season plus 50p per attendance .